Pediatric Urology

Pediatric Urology

Yes, children have urology problems too. Pediatric urology is a subspecialty in our profession and covers common problems such as bedwetting to rare and complex birth anomalies. Some of our doctors have extra training and expertise in pediatric urology and are able to manage most problems that are faced in childhood. For more complex issues we can refer patients to UCSD, Rady’s Children’s Hospital or Loma Linda University.

Common problems that can be managed at TriValley Urology include bedwetting, daytime wetting and voiding problems, urinary reflux, hydronephrosis (kidney obstruction), undescended testicles, hydroceles and pediatric hernias. There are many other less common conditions that can be managed by us as well. If minor surgery is required, this can be done at our local surgery center with anesthesiologists experienced in the treatment of children.

Bedwetting is a common problem that is very frustrating to a child and their family. If there is no daytime wetting and no other urinary tract symptoms then the condition is generally self limited and the child will grow out of it. However, that is not always calming or helpful to patients and parents and there are some treatment options available that may help. These are directed at behavioral modifications or there are medications that may be helpful.

At Tri Valley Urology we can evaluate children of all ages for and initial consultation and determine if referral to a Children’s hospital is required.